Monday, 14 November 2016

Poverty- Raising Awareness
By: Sydney, Megan & Emma

How educated are you with the topic of poverty?
Would you believe us if we said that every year, developing countries are robbed of more than $1 trillion that could fight poverty, disease and hunger?
Or that more than one third of Africa lacks clean water… which is nearly the population of the United States and Canada combined. Keep that in mind every time you use an excessive amount of water!!

Poverty is a topic that we all know about, but refuse to admit that it is all around us. The person you sat beside on the bus.. Has skipped 4 meals to save money, while you threw out yours but our mind is set in stone on because we are not personally struggling that it is not happening. In reality, it is real and it is happening. The severity of it is even worse than most imagine, and is not just a lack of material. Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their name, and I bet that most of us can’t even remember a time that we couldn’t do these things. It is important to realize that just because the area you live in is not suffering, does not mean it doesn’t exist. My Group’s main goal is to raise awareness, because the most important thing to start with is getting people involved and aware.

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