How Can Forest Fires be Beneficial to the Forests?
By: Ben and Markus
As we all know forest fires can be very harmful to human development and the the environment, but have we ever thought about how forest fires can actually be beneficial? You're probably thinking what? How can forest fires possibly be beneficial? Well there are many different reasons and ways why forest fires can actually be beneficial to the environment.
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As most people know forest fires tend to happen in the summers when the weather is hot and dry, in Alberta, they tend to happen every summer because of all the trees and dried grass, the grass in summer can sometimes be like hay, meaning it will burn very easily and with all the trees around, it can catch fire and spread very quickly, and easily.
In this photo it shows a very good example of the dried grass catching fire.
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This next photo shows how the forest can catch fire and spread very easily.
Although forest fires can be deadly and do lots of damage, they actually can be beneficial to the environment! When allowed to burn in areas where they do not impact human development, they can be regenerative for the forest, revitalizing for the watershed, renew the soil, and reset the clock for the ecosystem.
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