“Village of Love” Visits NPSS
Blogged by: Rosalyn
On November 18th, we were more than privileged to welcome two guest speakers to Nottawasaga Pines. Leonora and Andrew Obara have travelled from their homeland of Africa, to educate Canadian students on the importance of education, as well as the poverty, diseases and struggles that their people have to face everyday of their lives. Leonora and Andrew were always in great spirit, despite the snowy and cold weather!
Andrew began the presentation by asking students if they knew where Kenya was. Many were clueless and confused…. some even commented that they thought Africa was a country! The couple explained that Kenya was located on the Eastern Coast of Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean. Over 45 million people inhabit the country, and a large percentage of the population lives in deep, serious poverty.
One of the main focuses of “Village of Love” is encouraging orphans and children living in extreme poverty to attend school and maintain their health and wellness. Andrew was extremely passionate, when he told his audience that education is the key to social and economic development. The Kenyan Government passed a bill that stated Elementary School education will be “free” to all children, until they are 12. However, elementary school costs a citizen of Kenya, over $500 CDN a year per child. These fees are needed for uniforms, desks, supplies and transportation
that Kibera has. Elementary school lasts for 8 years, so therefore, sending a child to school to get their 8 years of elementary education, will end up costing over $4000 CDN. Many families live on less than $1 CDN a day. Affording school is simply impossible. Without education, and the routines of school, children are often left unattended and have to engage themselves. Many young children and adolescents can get involved in street crimes. “Both girls and boys are drawn into the sex trade, often contracting HIV/AIDS, the girls falling pregnant very early to become trapped in a lifetime of poverty. The boys are drawn into drug use, gangs and criminal activity of all kinds” (Village of Love Website). Leonora told us, that children in Kenya are extremely passionate and serious about school and education. “They want to attend school, they want to better their families lives, they want to make a positive difference in the world for their children” she said. 

Another way “Village of Love” is committed to assisting the growth, development and economy of Kibera is Micro Loans. Through donations, families are provided with small loans of $64 CDN, to start their own businesses, go to workshops to learn how to be an entrepreneur, as well as encouraging growth in the local economy. Families with 7-15 children would live on $1 a day, and could possibly go days without a meal. However, with the support of Micro Loans, families are making as much as $4.50 in a day! The results of this program, is happy and healthy families, who now can afford 3 meals a day.
After their presentation, Andrew and Leonora began to tell us about their life, and share some of their personal experiences. All 15 of their children attend school, thanks to the Village of Love. They will also get to attend university, and have big goals for their life, such as being a lawyer, chef and even a beautician! “We are all one big happy family, and I love all of them as if they are my own” says Leonora, who is an excellent and supportive mother. The whole group was very surprised when we were shown pictures of the housing in Kibera. It was also brought to our attention, that 30-50 people share one bathroom, which they have to pay for, and is not cleaned often.
For more info on how to donate visit http://www.villageoflovecanada.org/ :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the post Rosalyn! So much easier to write about something you're passionate about :)
ReplyDeleteThis is extremely well done. All the information that I could need is here on this post. Great job Rosalyn! :)