Thursday, 27 November 2014

Eco-Heroes of the week- The Gr. 9 Geography Class! 
Gr. 9 Geographers are joining the environmental movement!

We would like to salute Ms. McLeod’s Gr. 9 Geography classes for all they are doing to help the environment.  We have chosen them as this week’s Eco-Heroes! 

What goes into your ecological footprint?
The students have been learning about natural resource management in Canada and have been participating in a student driven inquiry.  They are learning about resource issues, waste management and are taking a hands-on approach to encouraging a more environmental approach to living.

Throughout their inquiry students have been creating eco-footprint art, writing announcements/tweets/ to promote waste diversion.  

You can see their tweets by following them on twitter at The Green Timberwolf @greentwolf.

Investigating natural resources.
Gr. 9s adding to the ewaste collection!
We are so proud of these gr. 9s for joining the environmental movement!

What would The Green Timberwolf say?  Helpful hints about waste management above the waste/recycle bins.  Created by gr. 9s to make people think twice before they throw out waste.
Waste diversion investigation.
Inquiry in action!  


  1. Great job grade 9's! You make us proud :)

  2. I love all of the " what would the green timbers wolf say" signs around the school.
    They are very well done and it is nice to see that we have students at our school that genuinely care about our schools impact on the environment :)

  3. I think what the grade nines are doing is awesome. The "what would the green timbers wolf say" signs are such a good idea, I like the ones above the recycling and garbage bins,its a good spot for them.
