Friday, 28 November 2014

Science Centre Visit!  
Blogged by:  Brandon D.

On November 4th, the Grade 12 University biology class travelled to Toronto to visit the Ontario Science Centre. Through out the day students took part in labs as well as tours through out the Science Centre. One of the many things that caught my eye was the garbage display. This is a photo that was taken at the Science Center. This display mimics exactly what the soil in our grounds looks like and is comprised of. This display is approximately 30 Feet tall and is full of garbage and waste disposal. Only 3 of the 30 feet of “soil” is pure soil. The rest is all garbage and shows us just how much waste disposal we use and where exactly it goes when it decomposes.
A photo I took of the tower of garbage at the Science Centre, it represents our soil composition.  


  1. Wow.. Did you learn if there is anything we can do to change these statistics?

    1. Unfortunately we didnt have a tour guide to assist us with any questions that we had. With that being said, I believe that we can change these statistics by buying our food from local farmers markets in order to reduce the amount of packaging and waste that gets disposed of.

  2. Does that mean the soil in a specific area like Toronto, or is it supposed to represent all of Canada?
