Thursday, 13 November 2014

Introducing Green Bins into our school!

Blogged by: Abie & The Green Team
Our environmental group is working on improving the schools recycling by introducing  green bins, a green team who will be in charge of them, spreading awareness of how to recycle properly and an audit, which means we will be walking around the school and checking to see if things like lights and projectors are on when not in and use and if the garbage and recycling are contaminated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               So far we have met to talk to Mr. Ford who already uses green bins in his classroom and has been extremely helpful in giving us advice and providing us with green bins and bin liners. We have also labeled the recycling bins in the hallway and cafeteria, and now we have started to make posters.                                                                                                                                                                         If you want to join the green team comment below to let us know.      


  1. Will you be putting a green bin in the cafeteria? I always find many things get thrown away there that could be composted!


  2. Yes, we're getting compost bins for the cafeteria, some classrooms, and for the staff rooms.

  3. Having the bins in eating areas is a great idea! I look forward to using them and reducing waste at our school.

  4. For the green team, with there be a weekly meeting or designated time? if so , when and where ?

  5. something I noticed today is has a big poster that listed what items went into which bin, maybe it would benefit our waste disposal program if we could place one or two of these in high demand areas, such as the cafe or the gym hall to further educate our students and prevent confusion about the placement of items.

  6. Really great idea! I would love to see theses green bins in the cafe where food and garbage is in abundance. I also agree with Sarahs comment as students are likely to grab a granola bar or protein bar or even fruit after practice, game or gym class. If green bins are placed in the gym hallways I believe this will make this a highly successful campaign!

  7. Sarah for the green team, our first meeting will be Wednesday December 3, 2014 at lunch in the hospitality room and after our first meeting we will decide when to meet and how often. I agree it would be a great idea to have posters to tell students where to put their waste

  8. Brandon, we want to put a green bin in the phys ed office and I feel this will be sufficient enough for the gym classes
