Monday, 20 November 2017

Famine in Yemen
By Dylan, Molly, Mickayla and Maddy

In Yemen, there are around seven million people on the brink of famine as yemen is war-torn. 45% percent of Yemen’s medical treatment centers such as hospitals are still in tact and the other 55% are shut down. Aid agencies are now warning that Yemen’s already catastrophic humanitarian crisis could soon become a “nightmare scenario” if Saudi Arabia does not ease the blockade of the country’s land, sea and air ports. This is a huge eye opener as this shows us how bad 3rd world countries can be and how much they need help from the ones that can. The interesting part about this is Yemen has tons of food, enough to feed everyone, but with the war all the prices have been doubled so nobody can afford to eat as it is near impossible to find a job in Yemen right now because of the war. This relates to our group because we are working to help solve world hunger so hearing about stories like this help us spread awareness and it helps us give real life stories that are happening now so then more people understand and are more willing to help us take action.


Iona Craig in Aden, Sana'a, Taiz and Hodeidah. (2017, November 12). 'Only God can save us': Yemeni children starve as aid is held at border. Retrieved from

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