Deforestation Crisis!
By: Jared, Rebecca, Aimee and Kennedy
As the Life on Land group for the UN global goals, we are focused on any issues on our planet that have a negative affect to anything living, or on earth. One of the biggest issues that we have on our planet is deforestation. Deforestation is the clearing or clearance of a forest, or group of trees to create space for land that will be used for a non-forest use. Deforestation is everywhere, and we need to end this issue. According to the World Wildlife Fund, but better known as WWF said that 36 football fields worth of trees are cut down every minute. Considering that 30% of the world's land mass is forest area, at this rate that percentage will be going down a lot in the coming years. Trees are not only beneficial for us humans as trees emit carbon dioxide in which we breathe, but trees are also homes for millions of species of animals. By cutting down and removing this many trees, we are destroying millions of animals habitats, and even killing these animals. One example of an animal that is being affected by deforestation is the panda bear. Bamboo is a key part to the diet of the panda bears diet, and with the amount of deforestation going on we are taking all there bamboo away and causing them to starve because of the lack of bamboo. Rainforests are being hit hard with deforestation. It is predicted that within 100 years, there will be no more rainforests left on earth. Deforestation is a huge issue, and it is something that needs to be stopped.

Best 25 Rainforest deforestation ideas on Pinterest | Rainforest destruction, Deforestation facts and Save our earth. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Byrd, R., & DeMates, L. (2014, July 17). Deforestation: The Over-Looked Climate Driver and What You Can Do About It. Retrieved from
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