The Goal
Blogged by: Presley and Bethany
Our global goals fair that our world issues class is hosting at our school is approaching soon. December first, friday, is just two days away. We’re excited not only to teach others about our goal and climate change but be able to participate in the fair and create the way we display our table. On Monday and Today we helped with one of our peers groups, clean water, to sell snow cones. All of the proceeds they make from it go to wateraid Canada. We hope that at the end of the fair people don’t just forget about our goal and not learn anything, we want them to be motivated to join the fight against climate change. We’ll be making brochures for our visitors to take home. We hope they take them home and do research on climate change and educate themselves more. If you’re educated and you’re aware, we’re one step closer to stopping climate change and its impacts. 
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