Sunday, 8 November 2015

Our  Local goal is accomplished!!
By: Rachel, Chantel, and Vinny
Food items collected on Halloween night taken by Chantel

After some very hard work from all the members in our group we collected tons of non-perishable food items on Halloween night! Although we did not reach our goal of collecting 1000 food items we still  collected 207  non-perishable food items which equals 280 pounds!! We want to thank  all the lovely, supportive, and  friendly, Barrie, Ontario residents that donated non-perishable food items for the Barrie food bank. We would also like to thank the Barrie food bank volunteers for being so welcoming to us and helping us carry in the food items.
food bank.jpg
Photo of Rachel at the food bank taken by Victoria
Now that we have accomplished our local goal we will be moving on to our globals goal!!! Keep in touch with this blog each week or our teacher, Miss. Mcleod, twitter page to find out how our global goal is going!!
Twitter account to follow for more details: @misssmcleod

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