Monday, 16 November 2015

Off to an amazing start!
By; Rachel. Chantel, and Vinny
With the help from all of our amazing timberwolf staff and students we have started our global goal to an amazing start!! If you don’t know already our groups global goal is to help end hunger by 2030.  We have asked staff and fellow students of Nottawasaga Pines Secondary School to help us end hunger by donating any spare change they have to go to two months worths of school feeding programs. So far in our donations our staff and students have BLOWN OUR MINDS!!! In just under two weeks our school has donated…
We our so grateful and thankful for all the donations we have gotten from all of our fellow  timberwolves!!!!  Keep up the amazing work and let's END HUNGER TOGETHER!!
                             Photo’s of NPSS staff and students donating change to help END HUNGER!

If you are not a staff member or student of Nottawasaga Pines Secondary School but would like to help end hunger or donate money to a different program through Free the Children please go to  and to keep up to date with our process go follow @misssmcleod on twitter or look for the hashtages  #npssglobalgoals  or #endhunger


  1. I really like it I was doing the same thing with my account to solve this horrible problem that is happening around the world.

  2. Thank you! That is really amazing! Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you! That is really amazing! Keep up the good work!

  4. What you are doing is amazing! Congratulations on already raising that much money! Keep this up and you will be able to make a great difference to world hunger!

  5. Keep up the great work guys! If this keeps up we are sure to end world hunger by 2030. This is just another step in changing the world. For more about changing the world, visit my blog at
