Friday, 30 October 2015

The Marine Team:
Our Progress!

By: Sydney, Leah, April and Josh

Our group has put forth our best efforts in promoting UN Global Goal 14. Upon receiving Ms. Mcleod and Mr. Pino’s approval on our buy-out and hashtag proposal, we have begun to spread the word and create a common goal we are all striving to reach. We created an attractive poster to display around the school in order to generate an awareness among students of our hashtag, “#JoiningTheMarineTeam.” (left) Ms. Tervit signed us off on the poster, and we were good to go! Another asset to our project was interviewing Mrs. Simpson about our plan and hopes for what we will achieve by doing this project. We feel it was a great way to express our opinions and aspirations so we can look back on it when we have completed our primary tasks, and see how much progress we’ve made. We have been collectively tweeting and retweeting ocean facts and stories on our Twitter, gaining new followers every day. This has proved to be an awesome way to not only spread awareness about the negative effects of pollution in the ocean, but to keep our followers updated on our goals, progress and events. We have yet to launch the hashtag, however the plan for the movie buy-out is in works. We have selected a time, date, location and film to show the students and staff, as well as an admission fee where all the proceeds we will donated to the World Wildlife Fund’s ocean sector. (see previous blog post for details!) Finally, we have created a partnership with the World Wildlife Fund. Upon emailing the WWF, we discussed our plan to donate the proceeds from the movie buy-out to their ocean fund. They happily emailed us back, thrilled with our goal! They assisted in setting up our own webpage for our fundraiser, and offered to send promotional paraphernalia such as pledge forms, posters and newsletters.

We all feel very satisfied with the progress and goals we’ve accomplished so far, and we can’t wait to see how it turns out!

Follow us on Twitter: @MarineCleanTeam

Check out our WWF fundraising page:

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