Friday, 30 October 2015

Poverty 2 Power Apparel Campaign: Finalized Design
Blogged by: Rebecca, Brittany, Emma, and Rosalyn

BeFunky CollageAs previously mentioned in our last blog, Poverty 2 Power will be selling t-shirts in order to raise funds for the village we plan to sponsor in Gelan Idero, Ethiopia. Since our announcement, we have chosen a finalized design that we plan to get printed! We have also decided to sell not only a single unisex t-shirt, but a ladies’ v-neck, a men’s v-neck, a unisex hoodie, and a unisex crewneck sweater! We are hoping that by expanding the selection of products that people can purchase we are then able to raise more funds than previously while offering a more stylish line of apparel! This means that we can support our village in a more efficient manner and even better than before!

We are very excited to get our design printed and see the outcome of all of our hard work and decision making! We are hoping that everyone is as in love with our final design as we are! If you’re interested, keep checking our blog The Green Timberwolf or our Twitter account @poverty_power for more updates!

To purchase a shirt or sweater, visit  

Help us eradicate poverty!!!!

Global Goal #5
Emma Watson Supports Gender Equality
Blogged by Emily, Jessica, Cassidy, Avery, and Avrielle

British actress Emma Watson is currently involved with a campaign called He For She which she launched on September 20th 2014; that supports gender equality. She is a Goodwill Ambassador for UN women.  Emma Watson formally invited men to join the cause because she felt that gender equality is their issue too. Both genders have their own stereotypes which limit them. Emma Watson said “Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong”. To end gender inequality everyone must be involved. This is the first campaign for this issue in the UN. Emma Watson explained how the more she speaks about feminism the more she realized that fighting for women’s rights has been associated with “man-hating”. Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. No country in the world has yet to say that they have achieved gender equality, but we can work together to change that. Can you help us?

By: Zack, Tanner and Zach
Screenshot.png With a little bit of modifications we have updated our and got it approved by both our teacher and our vice-principal! Now we are ready to begin taking action by going ahead and starting to collect around our school from the 9th to the 20th of November, after putting up posters. Hope to be able to make an impact around our school and community with our local charities.

Water has become a Luxury… In Canada!

 Hailey Sakanee
Above, Three-and-a-half-year-old Hailey Sakanee takes a sip of treated water. Her community, Neskantaga First Nation, has been under a water advisory for two decades. (Photo Courtesy of CBC)
As Canadian citizens, we are entitled to so much; freedom of speech, a good education, healthcare, clean water and nutritious food. However, in a country that has so much, many are surprised to discover that more than 1 million First Nations people living on reserves have close to none of these basic human rights. Many Reserve Communities in Ontario do not have access to safe drinking water. Essentially, these people are living in criteria of Developing Country conditions… right in our strong developed nation of Canada.  

More than two-thirds of all Canadian First Nations communities have been under at least one water advisory in the past 10 years. Some reserves, such as Neskantaga in Ontario has been under a water advisory longer than 20 years. Clean water is considered a luxury for most first Nations reserves across Canada, as it can be contaminated with dangerous bacteria or have improper filtration.

According to the CBC, Communities with these water problems often have increased stress and mental health problems. In interior British Columbia, the Nazko First Nation Reserve has been under a water advisory for 16+ years, something that is unacceptable to all residents.
"It's very upsetting. We live in Canada but on reserve it feels like Third World conditions," said Nazko Chief Stuart Alec. "Drinking, bathing — it's pretty appalling these conditions exist in this country."

In my opinion, I think it is absolutely awful that a necessity of life is being denied to a group of people in a country that is as developed and wealthy as Canada. Although the government has assigned money to water improvement projects, they have not taken action by training plumbers or other specialists to handle situations.    

Now more than ever, Canada needs to begin to give these citizens what they deserve.  To read more about this issue, check out a very recent article wirtten by CBC;

The Marine Team:
Our Progress!

By: Sydney, Leah, April and Josh

Our group has put forth our best efforts in promoting UN Global Goal 14. Upon receiving Ms. Mcleod and Mr. Pino’s approval on our buy-out and hashtag proposal, we have begun to spread the word and create a common goal we are all striving to reach. We created an attractive poster to display around the school in order to generate an awareness among students of our hashtag, “#JoiningTheMarineTeam.” (left) Ms. Tervit signed us off on the poster, and we were good to go! Another asset to our project was interviewing Mrs. Simpson about our plan and hopes for what we will achieve by doing this project. We feel it was a great way to express our opinions and aspirations so we can look back on it when we have completed our primary tasks, and see how much progress we’ve made. We have been collectively tweeting and retweeting ocean facts and stories on our Twitter, gaining new followers every day. This has proved to be an awesome way to not only spread awareness about the negative effects of pollution in the ocean, but to keep our followers updated on our goals, progress and events. We have yet to launch the hashtag, however the plan for the movie buy-out is in works. We have selected a time, date, location and film to show the students and staff, as well as an admission fee where all the proceeds we will donated to the World Wildlife Fund’s ocean sector. (see previous blog post for details!) Finally, we have created a partnership with the World Wildlife Fund. Upon emailing the WWF, we discussed our plan to donate the proceeds from the movie buy-out to their ocean fund. They happily emailed us back, thrilled with our goal! They assisted in setting up our own webpage for our fundraiser, and offered to send promotional paraphernalia such as pledge forms, posters and newsletters.

We all feel very satisfied with the progress and goals we’ve accomplished so far, and we can’t wait to see how it turns out!

Follow us on Twitter: @MarineCleanTeam

Check out our WWF fundraising page:
Marine Team Becomes Community Pandas
By: April, Josh, Leah and Sydney
In association with the World Wildlife Fund Canadian sector, our Marine Team supporting UN Global goal fourteen has become community pandas.
This new opportunity allows our group to have a special fundraising webpage as well as making it easier for our donations to go directly towards the organization.
Make sure to check out our new website for online donations supporting our UN Global Goal 14!

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Movie Buy-Out!

By: Sydney

On November 12th, 2015 the Marine Clean Team will be holding a movie buy-out for the students and staff of NPSS to promote UN Global Goal 14! The purpose of this insightful buy-out event is to not only spread awareness concerning the harmful effects pollution has on the ocean and its wildlife, but to also raise money in order make our own contributions to this cause.  Anyone who would like to attend this event is asked to pay a $2.00 admission fee. All the money we accumulate will be donated directly to the World Wildlife Fund’s ocean sector. We will present a brief PowerPoint before and after we show the movie, giving the viewer a deeper understanding of why this cause is so important to our group, as well as why we believe something must be done to spread awareness and raise money for the connections between pollution and the ocean.

The movie being shown is a 50 minute documentary called, “Plasticized.” The documentary is about a sea expedition through the South Atlantic Ocean, with a scientific focus on plastic pollution. “Plasticized” is a very eye-opening film detailing how our pollution, (especially plastic use) has affected the oceans in a negative way. The cause and effect factors of littering or dumping waste in the oceans will also be exhibited in the film.
The movie buy-out will take place in the NPSS cafeteria during 3rd period. Students must be aware that period 3 will fall last period on this date as it will be a flip week. We hope to see many familiar faces come out to support our cause, and the oceans!

Global Goal #5
Because I am a Girl
Blogged by Emily, Jessica, Cassidy, Avery, and Avrielle
The campaign Because I am a Girl has been very kind and supporting to our cause. We have been exchanging multiple emails back and forth about our cause and what they can do to help us make an impact. This past Monday they sent us a parcel full of Because I am a Girl items for advertizing. They sent us stickers, pencils, brochures and so much more! We came up with the idea to use the pencils and stickers to put together a little prize basket for a lucky student at each elementary school we visit. The lady that we spoke to from the Because I am a Girl foundation also offered assistance in setting up an online fundraising page when we are ready.
We thought that it would be a great idea to support our foundation by purchasing Because I am a Girl t-shirts to wear whenever we fundraise. There are two different colour options; pink or black. Both of the shirts say “Because I am a Girl” on the front and on the back they say “Girls’ rights are human rights”. The shirts look like this,

Wonders of sponsoring a village!
                               By: Brittany
           The Canadian feed the children foundation was founded to help both canadian and world wide families who are in poverty, but…. DID YOU KNOW! That they now have a Spanser a village program!
The sponsor a village program takes place in Sang, Ghana and Gelan Idero, and Ethiopia. This program helps to make families have a well balanced life that is not always taking over by poverty and suffering.

Some of the things they do to take action are:
  • Given access to health care
  • Access to healthy foods and nutrition
  • Clean drinking water sores
  • Schooling for all children boys & girls
  • The teaching of leadership skills to help have a sustainable community.


   These things make this program great, but the best of all, you can do all this and keep in touch with the village you sponsors with their online blog. This is a great optioned to help change poverty. We can change the world a little at a time!

If you have any questions about the program ask, or    follow twitter, @Poverty2Power or @NpssGlobaLGoals to find out more about how we are taking action.

Poverty 2 Power , T-shirts to save a life!
By: Brittany, Rosalyn, Rebecca, Emma

Over the last few weeks our world issue class has been doing everything we can to take action, to support the UN's global goals. Our group has chosen to take action by fundraising enough money to support a village, with the Canadian feed the children foundation.

One of the major fundraisers we are doing is called T-shirts to save a life. This is where we have designed a special t-shirt that is meant to spread the word about our cause,  we'll also giving our community a way to support and help people in poverty outside of Canada. We are planning to sell these shirts at our school for about 20 to 25 dollars, to raise awareness and support.  If there are any questions you have or if you want to help us by getting involved, follow use on twitter at @Poverty2power and @NpssGlobalGoals.   

Stay posted for more information on upcoming fundraisers. .

We all can make a difference, just stand up and take action!
T- shirts to save a life!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Posters, Invitations, and Donation Signs.
Blogged by: Samantha, Alyssa, Jarrett, Zach

Over the past few days, our group has been tweeting (follow us @HelpersofHealth), hanging posters, and handing out invitations to the blood drive on November 5th.

image.jpegThe past friday, a group member’s friend donated 5 litres of blood. He said “It was a lot easier, and not nearly as scary as I thought it would be, and I felt like a hero afterwards.”

We are currently in the process of getting our application for the dance at Angus Morrison approved by the school board. We also have decided upon the theme for the dance, Hawaiian. There will be hula skirts, leis, and other beach themed items.

Final Steps Towards Action
By: Zack, Tanner and Zach

Having finished our poster and awaiting approval of Ms. Mcleod our geography world issues teacher and our vice principal Mrs Tervit, we are going to start printing posters soon, as well as announcements in the morning. Progress is going very well and we hope to see a huge positive impact from our local and global actions.Screenshot.png

Global Goal # 2           

Our Global Goal
Blogged by: Chantel, Vinny, and Rachel
Children in developing countries reaching for the few food that they have.

When discussing what we wanted to do for our groups global goal we all agreed we wanted reach and help as many  people as we possibly could. This helped us decide that we wanted to end world hunger!! After doing extensive research about organizations and what  they do to help end world hunger we narrowed it down to an organization called Stop Hunger Now.After doing  more research about this organization we found out that we were could not go through with our plan to do a meal packaging event. We could not go through with the Stop Hunger  Now organization because they did not have a establishment in Canada and as a few students in high school we would not be able to afford the shipping and the costs of the organization to bring the supplies over to us.
After this BIG obstacle we started all over again and began to  research organization that is based out of Canada for easier access and connections. After looking at many organization we found called Free the Children. This organization helps subsistence farming communities, attain adequate amounts of nutritious food for short and long term.
Screenshot of Free the Children website.

Our goal through this company is to fundraise $200.00 to provide 2  month worth of healthy school meal, If we raise more than $200.00  we will  donate the rest of it to another cause Free the Children  supports that is helping end world hunger.

Keep up with our blogs to see how we are doing on both our local and global goals or go follow @misssmcleod on twitter for more information!!

Trip To The Food Bank!!  
Blogged by: Rebecca, Brittany, Emma, and Rosalyn

IMG_2284.JPGToday, we took a trip to the Angus food bank to further our knowledge regarding poverty in our community. During our visit, we learned that nearly 900 families in our area went to the food bank last year. If we take into consideration that the average family consists of roughly four people, that means that the food bank fed close to 3600 people! Luckily, the shelves in the back room are nicely stocked with a variety of different food groups to sustain all of the families’ needs.

We were so thankful to be able to go to this great organization and learn about the supportive community that we live in. Huge thanks to all of the Volunteers at the Angus Food Bank!! Next week there is a food drive at NPSS, and all donations go to the foodbank! For more information on food banks or how to help please visit  


Global Goal #5
Donating with Beauty
How we are getting involved with the school by joining the cosmetology class!
By: Avrielle, Cassidy, Avery, Jessica & Emily


Our group put together the idea of joining our school’s cosmetology class in order to find a creative way of raising money for donations for gender equality. The first thing we had to do was get permission from the cosmetology teacher Mrs. Rochon. This wasn’t a challenge because she liked the idea we had in mind of using the client day to raise donations. Client days take place every Friday here at NPSS during the 3rd and 4th period, depending on when the cosmetology class is since classes switch each week. Mrs. Rochon has kindly let us use the client day on Friday November the 6th for the last period to help our cause! The cosmetology students will pamper you with a manicure, hair styling, or even by doing your makeup, all for 5 dollars each. It’s your choice of what you want!
We are hoping to raise a good amount of donations through this event. All money will be donated towards the Because I am a Girl foundation. So no matter who you are, come down and get pampered for a small price that goes towards a big cause!