Friday, 6 March 2015

IMG_3072 (2).JPGTravel Experiences of a High school Principal!
by: Karol, Brittany, and Ian

     Mr. Macdonald is the principal of our school  Nottawasaga Pines Secondary School,
and we found out that he has great travel experiences and amazing stories to tell us. One cold, very cold February day we sat down with him, and asked him questions about his travels. He told us so many amazing stories that we are now going to share with all of you. Our conversation started off with questions about his favourite travel destinations, here's just a few of them.

Queenstown-New-Zealand.jpg , March 3 2015
Destinations & Why: 

1.New Zealand- Because its like all of canada shrunk into one little country

2.Mexico- Because the food was so good there 

3.Tibet- A place that is so different but beautiful at the same time

4.Thailand- Because its a very warm and friendly place

5.China- Because its a completely different world than our own.

Chinese_Culture_University_Campus.jpg March, 3,2015    
Next we found out that while Mr. Macdonald was traveling through Hong Kong he had both his passport and wallet stolen from him, that's one of the worst things that can happen to you while traveling. While talking about bad travel experiences, he told us what his least favourite travel destinations are, they are below.   
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download (2).jpg, March, 3 2015     

Destinations & Why dislikes:
  1. Magnolia- Not warm, a very cold place and not it's the cleanest place either.
  2. Arkansas-  Said to be the armpit of the world.

Mr. Macdonald wants to take a trip around the the world. Two of the top places he wants to go is Greece and Karkasia, but he never told us why he wants to go there. He also gave us a couple travel tips. They are that when you travel you should eat local and and to get out of the cities and that you should get out of the main cities.

If there are anymore question you may have about our principals travel experiences then post them in the comments, and we will try to answer them the best we can over the rest of the semester.


1 comment:

  1. Does Mr Macdonald speak any other languages? Does he find it challenging to travel to countries with different languages?
