From Fiji to Europe -
The Adventures of Mr. Rutters
By: Josh and Maddee
So far in our class we have learned about the differences between mass and alternative tourism. Mass tourism is when there is a large group of people travelling to the same destination and doing very similar activities (cruise, all-inclusive). Alternative tourism is small groups of people travelling around to different places on their own and usually are there for longer periods of time.
We asked Mr. Rutters a few generic questions about his travel experience including “where was the first out of continent trip and his favourite places to travel?”. His first trip was to Europe. He flew into Belgium and then backpacked around surrounding areas. This is an example of alternative traveling.
Mr. Rutters is a well rounded traveler and tends not to travel to the same place. He went on to explain that he likes to “do”. If he is traveling he does not want to just sit on a beach and watch the waves, he would rather be out seeing the sights and experiencing everything the area has to offer. In our interview Mr. Rutters seemed to hang on the topic of New Zealand. He said that New Zealand is the perfect spot for anyone looking for adventure or extreme sports. When Mr. Rutters was in New Zealand he skydived, skied, surfed and more. He went on to say that everyone you encounter is friendly and very helpful. New Zealand is a perfect place for backpacking due to its safe and friendly atmosphere.
Fiji was another destination that Mr.Rutter’s had nothing but great things to say. He said that Fiji was a very relaxed place. He then began to tell the story of going for a massage and waiting for hours for the masseuse. When he asked why they were hours late after the time that he had booked they told him that they go by "Fiji Time" which means that they do whatever they are doing whenever they want. In Fiji Mr. Rutters had the opportunity to scuba dive, swim with sharks, and skydive. He said that the temperature was beautiful and highly recommend travelling there.
Photos courtesy of Mr.Rutters
Great post Josh and Maddee! It's interesting to hear about one of our own Timberwolf crew traveling the world!