Gros Morne
it’ll take your breath away
Gros Morne national park is located on the west coast of the island of Newfoundland and covers a whopping 1805 km2. The park protects two areas of two of Canada's landform regions: the Western Newfoundland island highlands and the St. Lawrence lowlands.
Gros Morne has many exciting features and its landscape is the most unique in Canada! Because of this Gros Morne has been named a world heritage site by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) because of its breathtaking scenery and geographical significance, the geological diversity of Gros Morne is its main reason for its designation to a world heritage site. The table lands plateau is a 500 million year old slice through the earths crust and upper mantle and proof of plate tectonics. The sedimentary rocks of the coastal lowlands are home to countless long extinct sea creatures and the barrens of the long mountain range show rocks more than one billion years old. All these features of Gros Morne have been carved by long gone glaciers to create massive cliffs and valleys and the most dramatic landscape in canada.
Gros Morne is not only know for its scenery it also has a rich variety of plants. A majority of the park is covered in boreal forests, with balsam fir as the dominant plant life. Bogs and fens are also common and worth exploring for beautiful flowers such as the dragon's mouth orchid.
Gros morne is also known for its wildlife although Gros Morne and the island of Newfoundland have fewer animal species than the mainland of Canada. There are no native amphibians or reptiles, Gros Morne only has 14 native species including woodland caribou, the arctic hare, moose, snowshoe hare, Harlequin duck and red squirrel.
Gros Morne is a great hiking destination for tourists if you like hiking Gros Morne is the place to go. the parks trails range from easy walks along the coast to steep climbs onto alpine barrens. A scenic highway through the park allows visitors to see the beautiful scenery and a wide range of landscape as they drive by and boat tours are also available to visit the parks marine areas and lakes. There are many indoor and outdoor camping grounds and Gros Morne is even open in the winter for skiing on groomed trails. If you want to learn about Gros Mornes history there is a discovery center at woody point that has interactive exhibits and interpretive programs.
Overall Gros Morne is a great destination for travellers and tourists. It has a wide range of activities and things to do as well as beautiful ancient mountains. Gros Mornes wide range of plant and animal life also makes it a must see destination.Its unique geology is well preserved and hopefully will be for a long time. Visit Gros Morne, it’ll take your breath away!
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