Can We Change The Amount Of People Who Use Green bins?
Blogged by: Jackson and Dylan
For the past week, a partner and I have decided to do a project on Green Bin usage. We are trying to figure out how many people use green bins on a regular basis through a survey we have created ( )

We are going to try and accomplish this goal by going around our community and asking people in the community if they use green bins and if they know the importance in green bin use. Green bins are a little green bin where you throw away your organic waste into which saves millions of dollars by reducing the need of a new landfill site. Green bins are also great for the environment as they involve composting. Composting creates new soil for the environment. So far, we have gotten a few responses for our survey. From what we have so far from our responses, everyone uses green bins and sees the importance into using them. If we can accomplish this goal, it will be a huge achievement as we are protecting our environment and keeping our home safe. I will post shortly to see how our community thinks of green bin use. In the meantime, think about our environment, think about keeping our land safe and healthy. Use green bins, keep yourself and your home safe.
Green bin image:
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