Are we Green?
The elders in the community give their opinion
Blogged by: Parker |
In this inquiry, we set out on a journey about Liveable Cities, and I have been talking to elders in the communities. Most of them are feeling Angus is liveable but we have too many restaurants and are using too much power. The first step I did was deciding to talk to the elders. After I chose who I was going to talk to, which was harder than you think. Later I started deciding what I would ask them. Now I am starting to ask them. Some of them felt years ago Angus was known as a transit town and had a bad name, because of the base. They also feel most jobs in Angus are minimum wage, and they can’t make any more than that. Some feel the population has increased a lot over the past 20 years.
The Questions I asked:
- How has Angus Changed?
- Has Angus changed in a good way?
- How do you feel we could change Angus?
- Do you feel Angus is a Liveable Community?
- What resources do you feel we are using to much of?
Stay tuned, I will be back later this week and so my progress on this Inquiry.
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