Recapping Our Journey!
Cory, Jordan and Chris
This whole journey has been absolutely amazing, we’ve learned so much that has really had an impact on our lives and makes us look at things from a whole new perspective. We started off this project not knowing anything about what's really happening around Canada in concerns to water filtration. Now we know that even though it seems Canada has perfect water sanitization, we don't. We now know 400 out of 618 First Nations in the province had some kind of water problem between 2004 and 2014 (Levasseur,J). We began this project by researching about Indigenous reserves and how the water they have is very unsanitary and dangerous. We learned about these things called boiling water bans, basically what it is, is that the water you have to drink is too unsafe so you have to boil it to use it. We thought this was so unfair because some of these people are only 3 hours away from us. So we did research and got into contact with a man by the name of Scott Miller and he is the owner of a company called ‘Conscious water’. We emailed scott back and forth throughout this whole project but we couldn't find an Indigenous reserve that was interested in receiving water filters that he was willing to donate. So we had to come up with a new local goal, we figured we could announce facts about our goal every morning. Next in our project we had to think of ways we could raise money for a foundation that donates and helps support global goal #6 and we did. We chose the foundation WaterAid to donate our money to. Next we had to think of ways to raise this money so we chose to sell snowcones!! They were a big success, we raised 280$ that was all donated to WaterAid. The last thing in our big project was to prepare for the global goals fair, we created a poster with loads of information all about out goal. We also had a game for the people who visited our booth to play and they had the chance to win a small prize! We also sold snowcones as that was our last day selling them! We talked to alot of people in the global goals fair. Overall this whole experience has been life changing and we are all hoping we are able to do something like this in the future!

(First photo) Levasseur, J. (2015, October 15). Water advisories chronic reality in many First Nations communities. Retrieved from
(Second Photo) Rainbow Snow Cone Clipart. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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