Tuesday, 17 October 2017

     Residential schools
Blogged by: ryan
Terabytes of testimony: Digital database of residential school stories opens to the public. (2015, October 30). Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/radio/unreserved/opportunities-for-reconciliation-pop-up-in-unexpected-places-1.3294030/terabytes-of-testimony-digital-database-of-residential-school-stories-opens-to-the-public-1.3296657
Residential schools are one of the major black spots in Canada's history. For those of you that don't know what residential schools are, they were schools that the government forced the indigenous kids go to. And when they did this the kids were forced from their homes, and driven far away to these schools. Were they were then scrub raw and forced to cut their hair which was spiritually important to these aboriginal kids. As well to top it all off they were bet if they spoke any language other than english.

                         Sexual horrors

These schools were run by the church so you would think there was little to no corruption in these systems right ?  Wrong the rates of child malestision in theys schools was crazy almost every night a “Holy priest” would take one of these kids or how many they wanted out of their beds and do vary evil things to them.  And if one of these kids were lucky enough to escape these horrible places, but were found by the police they would be taken back to the same school were all these horrible things happened to them, even if the person that would be taking them back knew what was going on there.

                                                                                              In the end
Brad Oswald Posted: 03/19/2013 1:00 AM | Last Modified: 03/19/2013 10:15 AM | Updates | Comments:. (2013, March 19). We Were Children docudrama lays bare residential school horrors. Retrieved from https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/entertainment/TV/docudrama-lays-bare-residential-school-horrors-198912311.html

The last school was closed in 1990s. The kids that went to these schools will never be the same and the sad part about this is the kids that went there are going to do some of these things to their children because that's what they believe to be socially acceptable, and then there kids will continue to do these things to there kids and this trend will continue for a long time. Moral of the story, people should try and raise more awareness of the subject so people that were affected can get help and also so this never happens again.  
(NUN)By: Brad Oswald Posted: 03/19/2013 1:00 AM | Last Modified: 03/19/2013 10:15 AM | Updates | Comments:. (2013, March 19). We Were Children docudrama lays bare residential school horrors. Retrieved from https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/entertainment/TV/docudrama-lays-bare-residential-school-horrors-198912311.html

Terabytes of testimony: Digital database of residential school stories opens to the public. (2015, October 30). Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/radio/unreserved/opportunities-for-reconciliation-pop-up-in-unexpected-places-1.3294030/terabytes-of-testimony-digital-database-of-residential-school-stories-opens-to-the-public-1.3296657

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