Global Goals Fair a Success!
Blogged by Vanessa, Mackenzie, Tristin and Sam
Our World Issues class’ UN Global Goals fair took place last Friday, and was a huge success! Every group participated, with most having set up booths around the front foyer and displaying informational posters, brochures, and other things to help attract our guests to their booths.
Many groups sold food and held games to raise funds for various charities and organizations (ourselves included); others did things like holding petitions, and one held a school-wide staff vs. student basketball game, which was very popular and raised plenty of funds.
The Tree Musketeers had a booth set up with several baked goods; we baked our own banana and zucchini bread, and our hospitality teacher, Mr. Ford, very generously donated cookies for us to sell as well! On top of this, we also had a game called Garbage Pong, where students could play if they made a donation.
We decided to combine the proceeds from this event with the earnings from our collaborative bake sale, and donate them to one organization rather than two. After raising upwards of $100 from the bake sale and Global Goals fair, we are going to donate these proceeds to the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
A huge thank-you goes out to everyone who helped make our fair a possibility!