What To Do During An Earthquake!
By: Chloe
Last week our geography class watched a video about earthquakes. After watching this video it left us questioning many things. One particular question that had left me puzzled was “what do you do during an earthquake?” So after a little bit of research I have compiled a list from a bunch of different resources.
Before an earthquake make sure to have a battery operated flashlight, first aid kit, fire extinguisher and extra batteries. You also should learn to shut off the main gas, electricity and water. Secure all heavy objects or anything that might topple over. Following these steps will assure better results.
During an earthquake drop, cover and hold on. Remember to stay calm and stay put! Most injuries occur from trying to leave a building or moving to another room. Drop to the ground, take cover by getting under a sturdy object and hold on until the shaking stops. If there is no sturdy object near you cover your face and head with your arms and crouch down by a corner of the building. Cover your head and neck until the shaking stops. These few steps will help ensure your safety.
http://www.larchmontbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/shakeout2.jpg |
If you are outdoors during an earthquake stay outdoors do not try to get back into the building, instead go into an open area away from the buildings so that flying debris won’t injure you. If you happen to be in a crowded place take cover somewhere you won’t get trampled on by people running.
Things to avoid during an earthquake are doorways because they most likely will fall down, windows, bookcases, tall furniture, light fixtures, elevators and downed power lines.
After the earthquake make sure to check your home for structural damage and stay away from chimneys and bricks in case they are broken. Do not light matches or turn on any lights.
Photos from: http://answersafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Earthquake-e1431700006526.jpg
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