World Issues: Development Goal 15
Our Final Blog Post
Our Final Blog Post
By Sam, Brendan, Janson, Matt and Tristan
The UN development goal number 15 wishes to make life on land healthy and sustainable, they wish to do this by ensuring conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems. To promote the sustainable management of all forests, stop deforestation and restore degraded forests by reforesting. 
The UN wishes to combat; desertification, restore degraded land, conserve mountain ecosystems, protect and prevent extinction of species, end poaching and trafficking of protected species, prevent and reduce the impact of invasive species, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values, increase financial resources to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems, create financially sustainable forest management and provide incentives to developing countries to advance management or conservation and reforestation and finally to enhance global support. 
Our group decided to focus on ending deforestation, we did this by raising awareness on twitter, we also received donated old furniture and household items and upcycle them. The upcycled furniture and items were sold and all proceeds went to Friends of the Earth Canada foundation. In total our group raised 130$.
During the many months of preparation for our gallery, we learned much and faced some challenges. We learned that the land is something everyone relies on and is the base of of communities everywhere, when 80% of our diet relies on plant life it is essential that life on land is saved and protected.
Some of the challenges that we faced were that as we came closer to the date of our opening gallery we realized that we would not be able to finish all of our items, so we had to move the gallery to the Friday of the same week.
As aground we had a great time making and upcycling the items, it is fun and not very hard. Someone with little to no experience can do it and that is why it is a great way to help the environment and the UN to reach its goals.
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