Huge victory for Standing Rock protestors as the Dakota pipeline construction halts
By: Cassidy, Colin, Jake, Liam and Michael.
For almost eight months, people have been protesting the Dakota pipeline at the Standing Rock reservation, protestors were attacked by dogs, maced,sprayed with water cannons and shot with bean bags and rubber bullets. Many protesters have been arrested including actress Shailene Woodley on October 10th and 140 protesters on October 27th. On Sunday, December 4th 2016 Moria Kelley, who is a spokeswoman for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, said that the federal agency will not grant the permit for the Dakota pipeline to be built on its current route, going under the Missouri river. The decision was made because the army agreed that there is “a need to explore alternate routes” that do not pass through the Standing Rock reservation. The protesters celebrate their win but keep in mind that the decision could be appealed, especially with the president elect, Donald Trump and his lack of environmental concern. Another concern of the protesters is that the company who wants to run the pipeline (The Bakken Holdings Company) is very wealthy and may decide that the daily fines that they have to pay will be worth the profit and continue the construction, because of these concerns, some protesters have decided to stay put and make sure that things continue down the path of stopping the project.
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