Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The Marine Team

Our Conclusion
By: April, Josh, Leah and Sydney.

As the NPSS Marine Team, we have successfully strived to promote UN Global Goal 14; to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. 
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In order to do this, we developed various methods to not only raise money, but spread awareness. The first decision we made was to create a Twitter account, @MarineCleanTeam. The purpose was to get students and other individuals involved by updating them about our events, as well as tweeting ocean pollution facts and statistics. 
After we got the ball rolling with our Twitter account, we joined as “Community Panda” partners with the WWF, in order to raise money for their ocean sector. 
AAMpOsK4.jpgFrom this idea we developed a documentary movie buy-out, in which we would show a movie detailing ocean pollution and charge students $2.00 admission, all proceeds being donated. The results were great! Many students as well as staff attended this insightful event, and we raised a total of $195.20 to donate to the WWF’s ocean sector! 
The third and final aspect of our project was the hashtag we created to accentuate the Twitter account, #JoiningTheMarineTeam. Participants were asked to take a photo of themselves appropriately disposing of a garbage or plastic product and tweet the photo using the hashtag. In doing this we strived to prevent littering that could eventually affect the oceans. 

By the use of our Twitter account, movie buy-out and hashtag, we feel we accomplished the primary goal of educating and encouraging action and change relating to our Global Goal!

During this experience, we learned many things in regards to our Global Goal. We learned that spreading awareness about our specific topic did wonders for promoting it. For example, students became further informed with the help of our Twitter, and as a result assisted in spreading the word about the buy-out and hashtag. We also learned that in order to get a task successfully accomplished, we need to get others involved and interested. Pumping up the hashtag and movie event by involving students and staff made them much more successful.

Although we experienced a great deal of success with this project, nothing comes without its challenges. The biggest challenge we faced was the lack of individuals participating in the hashtag. As our local goal, we felt this was an appropriate method of not only spreading the word regarding our Global Goal, but also to prevent littering. Initially we thought many people would tweet using this hashtag and it would be a great success. Various students participated and tweeted exactly what we asked! However, the turnout was not as excessive as we hoped. We were looking forward to most students and staff participating in this great way of sending a message, but not so many people chose to do this and the hashtag essentially faded after a while.
Overall, our events were a success! We feel we were successful in raising money for the WWF’s ocean sector, and spreading awareness regarding UN Global Goal 14. We’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone who assisted in making this such a huge success, and we appreciate everything you have done for us! Remember to always do your part in making this world a better place!


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