Painting roofs white is as Green as taking cars off the road for 50 years !
Blogged by: Kayla.B.
Painting roofs white and using light coloured materials to cover roads and pavements would not only make cities a lot cooler in summer, it would also save the same amount of carbon as taking every single car off the roads in the world for 50 years. This is something so incredibly simple and yet it would help our environment out so much!
Many researchers estimate that cities and towns where the roofs, pavements, and roads have light coloured surfaces can increase their reflected sunlight by about 10%. Increased reflected sunlight can decrease atmospheric temperature and reverse some of the predicted temperature increases from global warming.
White roofs are not a new thing, in fact extremely warm places such as Greece and the Bahamas have had white roofs in their agriculture for hundreds of years now.
In my opinion, seeing how much this helps out our environment and how much energy we would save (especially on those very hot days in the summer), I think for now on when houses are built their roofs should have to be white for now on. This is something that is extremely simple and we can all do, and it’ll make a huge impact on our environment!
Global warming is a huge problem we deal with within the environment and to do something to almost eliminate it completely, now wouldn’t that be incredible?! YES, yes it would and I think eventually we as human beings can do this and give back to our wonderful environment of ours!
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